Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pictures of me, my brothers, and my horse, Dolly!!!


coreymon said...

are you talking about in the whole world or just in ur state

coreymon said...

i agree with you if we christians all came together if thats what u meant we would make a big difference getting out of our comfort zones and talking to people we dont know just like im going to do after hs at washington dc

ChristianCowgirl4God said...

yeah the whole world!! I think we're gonna need a BIGGER building!

ChristianCowgirl4God said...

yeppers! God says go out into ALL the world not just parts of it but ALL the world preaching the Gospel.People get too much comrotable in this world.This isn't our home tht we're gonna stay at forever.We're just passing through.

coreymon said...

thats right u got a point there and see ur point ur getting at